UP Who UrbanPlacers chose to win the World Cup

Who UrbanPlacers chose to win the World Cup

Urban Place Community loves the World Cup

Within our Urban Place community we have a diverse international representation with members from Spain, Mexico, France, Germany, Russia, USA, Israel and a few more.

So when the Mondial started last week, it was an exciting time around our offices. Members coming to work in jerseys, projectors playing the game, replays and highlights 24/7, and an UPgraded happy hour!


But that’s not even the best part. At Urban Place, we’re giving away this bike to the member who can choose the winning team!


That’s all. Just pick the team/country, tell one of our community mangers, and you’re entered into the lottery. You win- the bike is yours!

Watching the world cup together with members from all over the world is such a unique experience, and we love playing host at all hours to watch the games live. 

For the finals, the world cup championship, we’re going to go big. In our 3 Rothschild Blvd location we’ll be watching the game live, and all members and friends of Urban Place are invited.

So… Who did we pick to win it all? Votes are in-

Overall the majority think Brazil will take the cup, but Spain is a close second place!

Shalom Tower:

Urban Place Rothschild:

Even our French Founder Romain Levy, is turning his back on his home country and chose Belgium as the winner.

Our community managers are split between Portugal and Belgium- we’re not sure if they even qualify to win the bike..

“Community events like this allow for easier small talk over the water cooler, and bring our entire coworking space closer together” – Community Manager @ Urban Place Shalom Tower

Internal bets are closed, but we’re watching closely to see who wins!


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*for tlv spaces only

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