How a New Place Impacts Employees – and How to Easily Adjust
How a New Office Impacts Employees – and How to Easily Adjust
We all know this stage where we move to a new home – an exciting, different, altering stage. It can happen at work too: Management decides it’s time to move, and new offices welcome everyone at the company. How does it impact employees, and how can you ensure a quick adjustment?
Take Under Consideration that an Adjustment Period is Required
This adjustment period could even last two or three months, and it’ll require you, the employees, to get used to changes in regards to where you sit, the office setting, the view from your window, and even how you get to work.
Don’t expect the transition to go completely smoothly and without any issues – because you’re bound to be disappointed and start this new chapter on the wrong foot. It’s important that management does this as well: Understand from the get go that the beginning is expected to be a little problematic for the employees (and maybe even for the management team as well), and let each person the time she or he needs to adjust to the move.
A New Environment Brings New Energies
So it’s true – moving might not be a simple thing to do – but it usually gets done to improve workplace conditions: The new offices get renovated before employees move in, you have a better understanding of the employees’ needs (thanks to experience you gained at your previous place), and even designing is easier when you decide to move.
There’s no doubt that moving to a new workplace will improve how employees feel and will make work more enjoyable for most of them. As soon as work conditions improve, so will the work quality, so management will accomplish two goals at once: It’ll move its offices to a new place (usually, the result of many considerations), and it’ll improve conditions for all of the company’s employees.
If you care about your workplace, you can feel encouraged by the move to new offices, because that usually means expanding and growing. Sometimes, moving comes directly from the need to expand, like when you open a new branch (URBAN PLACE, who’s opening its third branch in Tel-Aviv these days, is a good example of that) – and that clearly proves you’re part of a growing company.
And the good news? In many cases, this expansion usually means new benefits to the employees themselves.