Sticking to goals has been a major problem that pretty much everyone has. We make impulsive decisions and start working towards a goal without the proper intention of taking it to completion. While there’s nothing wrong with getting that ‘burned out’ feeling and leaving something, there are ways to avoid it and get the motivation to move towards your goal. If you’re someone that wants to abide by a certain goal without deterring from it, here are a few tips to help you out.
Set Aside Revenue: If you’re pursuing a goal, it’s more than likely that it won’t generate money early on. It may require you to pay some as well. To make sure that you don’t go broke because of your goal, set aside some untouchable revenue to get you through the next few months or so.
Create a Routine: Working towards something requires you to integrate it into your day-to-day routine. If you’re going for a “whenever I’m free” routine, you won’t make much progress in anything. You’re never going to have the time. You have to make the time.
Don’t Doubt Yourselves: In the process of achieving any goal, regardless of how big or small it is, there will be a time when you will doubt yourself. You’ll doubt your capability and start questioning the probability of you succeeding. In times like these, it’s best to clear your head and keep on struggling despite the doubts.