UP Co-Working Spaces as a Platform to Preserve Businesses

Co-Working Spaces as a Platform to Preserve Businesses

2020 was a devastating year for a lot of different reasons. It just wasn’t the year for global economies as companies were forced to shut down pretty much everyone. Only essential personnel were allowed to function as before but, judging by the fact that you’re on this page, we’re pretty much certain your company didn’t have the luxury of employees for the past few months.

If we landed somewhere close to your actual scenario, there’s a fair chance that you’re just tired of the whole ‘work from home’ thing the world had to adapt to forcefully. Yes, it was vital for the survival of millions of companies globally. However, we can all agree that it just isn’t the same as an office environment. The productivity is low, team collaboration is limited, and most importantly, it’s just not efficient. If you’re a business owner that is looking to fin offices that will enable you to get back to work at full force while being sure that your employees are working in a safe environment, we have just the thing you’re looking for.

Urban Place is a co-working space provider with some of the finest offices in Israel! Our locations have everything from private rooms to executive conference rooms to event halls. Despite COVID-19, we’ve been functioning extremely well while strictly adhering to all standard operating protocols provided by the governing organization. 

Uban place has enabled businesses throughout the Covid pandemic and restrictions posed by the ministry of health, to keep working. Urban place has managed to preserve the regular working schedule for their members and even expand at this difficult time.

We’ve created an environment that takes care of all your business needs including financial flexibility.

If you’re looking for a physical workplace, give us a call, and we’ll hook you up! 


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*for tlv spaces only

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